Installation of High Sierra on AMD Ryzen 5 - GTX 1070

Installation of High Sierra on AMD Ryzen 5 - GTX 1070


  • GPU : NVIDIA GTX 1070
  • RAM : 8GB

Hackintosh (High Sierra 10.3.3) successfully installed. All is working well except below.


  1. Do you guys have any ideas on how to make the Siri, FaceTime and iMessage working on AMD?
  2. Adobe works, except Lightroom CC and Lightroom Classic. Adobe Illustrator works, except using the stylise tools (i.e. Drop Shadow) will crashes the apps. Let me know your thoughts on this.
  3. Boot screen still using 720p resolution even the EMUVariables installed, CSM enabled and config.plist (adjusted the resolution boot to 1366 X 768).
  4. Does GTX 1070 still not working in Mojave or Catalina?
submitted by /u/akudanlasagna
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