How to Hackintosh the Lenovo Ideapad 330-15IKB (Model 81DE)


This guide is a bit of a doozy, but I wanted to write it in hopes to help those who had issues with getting this laptop up and running on Mac OS.

To start with. this guide is developed for MacOS 10.14. Do keep in mind, this guide only covers information on how to setup hardware and drivers on Mac OS X for this laptop. (I do not intend to educate readers on how to setup a USB or etc.) Please do your research before following this guide.

To begin with, you need to setup your install USB. I achieved this using the internet install method, however a normal install USB should work. (Sidebar can help you with this part.)

The Clover USB should use RehabMan's laptop config for the HD 620. (That can be found here:


TOUCHPAD: It appears that this laptop can have different makes of touchpad even in the same model number of laptop. You need to verify your touchpad make and model using either Windows or Linux before hand.

WIFI/BT: Without replacing the built-in WIFI/BT card, you won't have working WIFI or Bluetooth in your hackintosh install due to no native support. Refer to some swift googling to determine a good card that is supported in MacOS and will fit your laptop.

GPU: This laptop includes a Kaby Lake Refresh chipset, this puts it in between Kaby Lake and Coffee Lake and has varying results; with all patches, you should treat all of your hardware as Kaby Lake based.

Sound: This most likely shouldn't differ, but you need to determine your audio codec as well, I found that my codec was a Realtek ALC230 and I got it working using AppleALC and the boot parameter alcid=20.


The kexts you will need are as follows for a mostly seamless install.

  • VoodooI2C (with your corresponding touchpad kext) [This is used for touchpad, but you will need more than the kext]
  • VoodooPS2Controller [This is for the keyboard support]
  • AppleALC [This is for native audio support]
  • Lilu [This is a requirement for AppleALC, WhateverGreen, and other kexts]
  • WhateverGreen [This is used for proper graphics injection]
  • VirtualSMC (Install the other kexts for it as well) [This is used for battery support and SMC emulation]
  • RealtekRTL8111 [This kext is for Ethernet support]

This list is non-exhaustive, you will also need kexts depending on the WIFI hardware you chose to put in this laptop.


Once you have your MacOS install booted and setup complete, you need to mount your EFI partition and copy your Clover installation off of the USB Drive into the EFI partition on your hard-drive.

After this, you should look at a lot of Rehabman's posts on TonyMacX86 forums for more information on patching various things.

In order, I will list some of the patches I created to fix problematic hardware.

  • Touchpad: Get VoodooI2C and the satellite kext for your touchpad, and follow the GPIO pinning guide to patch your DSDT for proper interrupt support.
    For those with a SYNA2B49 touchpad, you need to edit the class match property in the Synaptics satellite kext and change it from SYNA2B33 to SYNA2B49.
    You could also instead patch your DSDT to report the touchpad as a SYNA2B33 instead, but that is more advanced.
  • GPU: I had it mostly working on install, but HDMI events would cause the laptop to reboot, I used Hackintool to patch my config.plist file in Clover to fix the reboots. You also need to change connector #1's type from DVI to HDMI, or you will have a very magenta looking output.
  • Sound: I used AppleALC with the alcid=20 boot parameter to get sound working perfectly.
  • Brightness: I used Rehabman's Brightness Fix for laptops and followed his guide to get brightness working.
  • Sleep: I had to patch my USB injections so it wouldn't break the USB port limit and allow sleep to function properly.
  • Battery: I used Rehabman's fork of ACPI-Battery-Driver to get Battery status, and charging/discharging status to work.
  • SMBIOS: Unfortunately, you are kind of on your own for this one because I am not an expert on setting it up, and just barely got it working properly. There are a bounty of guides out there for properly setting up a SMBIOS so iMessage, Facetime, and various other services can work properly.
  • EFI: Other EFI folders don't tend to work properly due to differences in the DSDT, it is always most proper to make your own folder and troubleshoot for a stable setup.
    I refuse to share my EFI folder due to the custom SMBIOS and the fact that you wouldn't know what I did to get the laptop working; this violates the Hackintosh spirit and will cause issues for you and I.


First off, I apologize to those who waited on this guide, I have been quite busy working 2 jobs and trying to keep my personal life afloat that this guide escaped my time quite often.

There may have been quite a bit I missed, but I hope this guide will have helped you get a decent start on getting things up and going.

All kexts were placed in the EFI/CLOVER/KEXTS/OTHER/ folder for maximum compatibility, I have found no issues this way, and should make updates seamless in the future.

Thanks for reading my guide, I will accept PM's for those with questions or those who need help.

submitted by /u/dakillaz98
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