hackintosh stopped booting out of the blue

Hi everybody, I'm sort of panicking because my workstation stopped booting out of the blue.

I use it on a daily basis without any problem, this morning I turned it on and it wasn't connecting either via wifi or ethernet, so I decided to reboot it, but now it wouldn't boot at all.

its windows partition boots just fine, so I would exclude a major hardware failure, but I wonder what happened overnight that made my hackintosh unusable.

I turned verbose mode on, but I couldn't grasp much out of it, then after a while the mac reboots, and this happens over and over again....

Any idea on what to check?

My configuration is:

Aorus gaming 5 z370
GTX 1080 Ti
EVO 970 NVMe
2 WD drives in RAID0

submitted by /u/iacopob
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