Gateway NE56R Sierra... Only Intel HD 2000 QE/CI and brightness left.

Recently after hackin my Ryzen 5 System, I thought about installing it on my old school laptop. With thoughts I just went ahead and installed it. I was surprised when it booted, anyways here is the progress -

  • battery bar fixed (sometimes doesn't show charging symbol while plugged in, sometimes shows battery as 100% after reboot this fixes).

  • keyboard fixed (some old voodooPS2 worked, latest ones didn't)

  • Audio fixed.

Now I'm trying to fix Graphics but I think I'm out of luck, web search says - "no support for Intel HD or Intel HD 2000".

It got B960 processor with Intel HD 2nd gen graphics in it as described on it's official page at Intel, so I guess it's a 2nd gen gpu, further searches concluded it's HD 2000. Now is there a way I can make my Graphics work, because this feels sluggish and not usable at all, if not I will rather install a light weight Linux on it.

submitted by /u/mohitsethi32
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