Stuck on verbose boot screen with the prohibited sign.. brand new vanilla install and can’t figure out the issue, help!

Hi r/hackintosh!

Let me preface this post by saying I am new to hackintoshing, so I apologize if this is an easy fix or not, or if I am missing something in my post you might need to see.

I just spent about 2 hours working on building my vanilla install through windows because I don’t have a Mac, and finally got into the installer prompt (yay!), but I had the weird pink/purple tint with my UHD 630 graphics. I added two lines to my config.plist in order to fix it, and now I can’t get past a prohibited sign at a certain point.

I tried undoing the lines I put. No dice. I tried remaking the config.plist, no dice. I’m not sure what changes the two lines could have made, but now I can’t boot no matter what I do. My specs are i5-8600K, Z370M Pro4, UHD 630 graphics. I’m using AppleALC, Mausi, Lilu, USBInjectAll, WhateverGreen, XHCI-unsupported, and VirtualSMC (I did try FakeSMC for the hell of it, no difference.) for kexts. I have iMac 18,1 for SMBIOS, darkwake = 8 (and all the normal handles) for boot, and I added the ig-platform-is and device-id, and framebuffer-patch-enable/stolenmem. The two flags I added to fix the weird tint were framebuffer-conX-enable/type and after adding (and removing!) those flags I haven’t been able to get in.

Here are two screenshots of where it’s getting stuck at: (it’s cut off but the second one has the prohibited sign to the right).

If you need anything else that could assist me, please let me know! I’m like 6 hours into this and really ready to be able to use my Hackintosh :(



submitted by /u/dylanplayspkmn
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