I managed to fit an Airport card into Thinkpad T440p

I managed to fit an Airport card into Thinkpad T440p

Since I'm running Hackintosh on my Thiknpad, I wanted to have a working Wi-Fi without the need to use a USB dongle. However, all of the known "working" solutions were expensive (50-70€ for Dell DW1560), so I decided to try my luck with a 5€ NGFF to Airport adapter and a 13€ BCM943224PCIEBT2 card from a Macbook Air. And what do you know, it worked! The process requires almost full disassembly of the laptop, but hey, I'll take that over paying extra 40€ any day of the week.


Here's a little guide I wrote: https://github.com/notthebee/t440p-airport

submitted by /u/jamieyz
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