How to transition correctly from nVidia GPU to AMD GPU

Hello everyone, I had a perfectly running High Sierra with my GTX 1050TI, but I was pretty tired of waiting for nVidia to release their drivers so I can update to Mojave so I got a used Sapphire Radeon RX 580 NITRO+ Special Edition 8 GB for about 80$, it was the smoothest transition I've ever made

  • Step 1: Opened my PC for surgery
  • Step 2: Removed GTX 1050TI
  • Step 3: Put in the RX 580
  • Step 4: Realized that I forgot to uninstall nVidia Web drivers and to uncheck use nVidia Web in CC
  • Step 5: Pray for the OSX to load
  • Step 6: High Sierra loaded perfectly and showing the RX 580 8GB correctly, graphics acceleration worked like a charm
  • Step 7: Uninstall nVidia Web drivers and to uncheck use nVidia Web in CC
  • Step 8: Click on AppStore and then Upgrade to Mojave
  • Step 9: Wait about 20 minutes to install
  • Step 10: Enjoy the perfectly working Mojave on my PC (which is installed on "High Sierra" Drive, lol)

PC Specs:

  • Motherboard: Some Lenovo proprietary mobo with B360 chipset, audio working only with Voodoo
  • Processor: i5 8400
  • Video: 80$ Sapphire Radeon RX 580 NITRO+ Special Edition 8 GB
  • 8GB of RAM


Everything is working, except at the start-up there are some glitches at the apple logo, but I'm too lazy to try and fix that


My PC has a mATX case and Mobo and the video card didn't fit in so I cut some of the plastic away and bent some metals to fit in the case, now the only problem is that I cannot close the case anymore because the video card is bigger than the case, but looking at the bright side I have better air flow now

submitted by /u/arcanandrei
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