Hackintosh on a Chinese RX 560D

Did anyone here had success with these Chinese RX 560D cards? I know they share a lot of architectural similarities with the RX 460, but I would like to know if it is possible to run a hackintosh on these cards with little to no hassle just like a regular RX 460.

Link to the card I am talking about: https://m.aliexpress.com/item/32864910806.html?pid=808_0000_0101&spm=a2g0n.search-amp.list.32864910806&aff_trace_key=d8f8b0bc3b3a43cf8bb8e64cddb84009-1565217220917-05476-bEqoW2t6&aff_platform=msite&m_page_id=1292amp-bNOJd8_QtChOGpHjEu0SUg1566133430941

submitted by /u/KawabungaXDG
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