Bluetooth Troubles - BCM943602CS on new Gigabyte Z390 Aorus Pro

Hi all,

Just finished upgrading to a Z390 Aorus Pro, installation was silky smooth, and the only trouble I'm facing now is the bluetooth on the BCM943602CS card; it was working perfectly on a Z170x Gaming 5.

There is bluetooth lag on my Apple Magic Mouse 2, every now and again it will slow down, its not incredibly noticeable but day to day it will be quite frustrating.

I'm also getting no bluetooth when I wake back up on sleep.

Things I have tried

- Changing the SM Bios to iMac 18,3

- Checking it's not Wifi Interference (on 5ghz, brought mouse closer to computer).

- Used USBInjectAll instead of the USBPorts SSDT patch found on Insanely Mac.

- Renamed _SB.PCI0.RP08.PXSX to ARPT

- Check connections, repointed antenna, swapped USB Ports.

Im convinced this has something to do with the USBPorts but I'm not 100% sure. I have attached a repo with my EFI files and a IOReg Dump. IOReg turns the BRCM20702 Hub red after sleep, not sure what that means?

I would really appreciate someone helping me! Only thing thats not working.

Many thanks.

submitted by /u/ainsleyclark
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