Port Limit Patch for authentic MBP

I am working on a project where I am connecting 25 Thorlab FTDI devices to a Macbook pro (10.12.6) through USB hubs. On my MBP, I only see 23/25 of the devices in the device manager. I have been searching online to see if OSX is limiting the number of USB devices that can be connected. I came across posts about Port Injectors and Port limit patches frequently used in the Hackintosh community. With that said, I was curious if these patches would be supported on an actual MBP and what the consequences of using them would be? I attached an image of the device manager and here you can see 23 of the devices. Whenever I connect more to the USB hubs, the LED indicator next to the USB port will blink a few times before going off. Any suggestions are welcome and thank you in advance!


submitted by /u/knoose
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