Touchscreen support through Sidecar?

I want to first say I'm new to the scene and have only dipped my toes into it so I'm not fully up to speed with all the technical side of things.

I have a Microsoft Surface Pro 2017 and I know that other than the WiFi issue which nearly every device suffers it also suffers from the lack of touch support too rendering the touchscreen useless and I know this has happened on other devices too.

I was just wondering if the new Sidecar feature could be the answer to all of this?

I have seen some videos of the feature in action and it seems to turn the iPad into a touch and pen enabled screen for MacOS, so I was wondering if there was a way we could find how to turn the code that makes that work into a few kexts or at least some decent code that can be imported so everyone can finally get our touchscreens working natively on MacOS.

As I said I'm not the most advanced in this scene but I have some knowledge, but I just wanted to know if it would be hypothetically possible or if it isn't possible because of something like how the iPad needs the app and it's all locked into the app, etc...

Any advice would be appreciated because if it is hypothetically possible then I may have to look into this over the summer to see what I can do!

submitted by /u/JonnyTaunton
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