Tri-boot Windows 10, Ubuntu 19.04 and Mojave on one drive. Is it doable?

I cant seem to find a real answer for my specific situation. I have a thinkpad X220 tablet and I'm looking to buy a 1tb samsung qvo ssd but I'm not sure if I'm gonna be able to keep my current windows and ubuntu installations that I have on one drive and my macOS that is currently on a separate disk. In other words, I want to move my macOS installation to the same drive as my windows and ubuntu installations. My only concern is the amount of partitions it will require and the partition map I need to use in order to have all three OS's working and booting normally all at once. If anyone knows how I would go about doing this, let me know. I already have a working clover uefi configuration so it's really just the partitioning I may have issues with.

submitted by /u/cameronsux123
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