Long term Hackintoshers: how smooth is the ride for next 3-5 years?


As many here, I am interested to make a Hackintosh laptop. Although the guides are great and seemingly doable with a variety of success depending on the hardware, I haven’t been able to read anywhere the trouble of maintaining such a system going forward and meeting all the new updates. I would be interested to understand your experience as a long(er) term user of a Hackintosh laptop and whether you could also make it work over the years after your initial success or did you machine remain at the state you set it up initially? (I emphasise laptops due to the limitations of hardware, on a desktop I guess one can quite easily swap it for another, so it is less of an issue and risk).

I would be interested if you can share some of your experience (easy or troublesome) of the past years about

  1. minor macOS updates (eg from 10.14.4 to 10.14.5)
  2. major macOS updates (eg. 10.13 to 10.14)
  3. macOS app updates? All apps will work like usual, even after updating? Or any caveats?
  4. does one need to do clover updates when 1 and 2 happens?
  5. when dual booting with windows 10: will windows updates require you to tweak your Hackintosh? (So does it affect?)
  6. can one backup the whole Hackintosh (I guess not with time machine?) and restore it completely.. like a time machine backup?

Anything else?

Thank you.

P.s. yes, read the long guide. Not sure if this broader question is valid.

Edit: formatting

submitted by /u/__Q__W__E__R__T__Y__
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