I'm looking to get a pre-built hackintosh for audio but anything to be aware of?

Hey i need to upgrade my DAW. I've been thinking about a hackintosh for a while. I read they can be finnicky when they go wrong which is my concern but the seller reassures me it runs just like a mac and i shouldn't have an issues. This is the build: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/AppleMac-Hackintosh-HP8300-Quad-Core-i7-16GB-240GbSSD-Music-Video-Powerhouse/143227992343?hash=item21590db917:g:hcMAAOSweX5cAToT

Ideally it'll run flawlessly for years and that's the main reason i'm looking. Also want to try Logic. But afaik that's the best build on ebay in terms of spec and the OS, there are a couple of others with Mojave but i need at least 16gb ram but i just wanna be sure buying a prebuilt won't be a mistake; i could always buy a used mac! But i need something powerful that won't need upgrading or messing with for years. That is really important.


submitted by /u/philtr3
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