Freezing problems please help.

My system has been working perfectly, save for the photos app. Anytime I would use AirDrop or anything within the photos app would cause it to freeze. A boot up would resolve the issue and I would just stay away from the photos app. Recently tried it again but now it completely messed up my system and it freezes each and every time after about a minute after boot up. The mouse cursor still works but nothing else.

I’ll definitely appreciate any help with this, I’ll like to provide you guys with more information regarding my system but I don’t know how nor do I know how to obtain information on the boot up screen/ verbose mode. If anyone can direct me to how to obtain useful information to further help how to resolve my freezing issues.

CPU Intel 8700 GPU RX580 MOBO Gigabyte Z370 AORUS Ultra Gaming

submitted by /u/3thancr0wn
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