DW1560. Right card, wrong Device ID

DW1560. Right card, wrong Device ID

Hey everyone, I recently ordered a DW1560. I've had a look at the card and can verify it's a 4352ZAE as expected but when I popped it into macOS with all the right kexts in all the right places I noticed... nothing. Bluetooth worked. Wi-Fi not at all.
The device ID is 14e4:4360 which I am sure is... not right haha.
I've been told I can flash the firmware but neither me nor the person who told me that hasn't any experience with it. If there's a way to spoof it into behaving properly that would be nice.
Appreciate all the help. Screenshot of DPCI manager PCI list and the card itself included

Card itself

DPCI manager PCI siting

submitted by /u/SlightlySuperior
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