Any good guides for setting up a QEMU/KVM VM vanilla hackintosh?

I was looking for a guide that will help me with setting up my Hackintosh VM manually. Right now I have a VM setup using this guide here, in the guide there is a lot of stuff that is setup automatically via scripts and it appears to download a lot of stuff that is already prepared. I want to have a go at doing everything manually, from setting up a bootable USB, to applying all the various patches and stuff required in the final install.

Besides just wanting to attempt it, this is also going to be a learning experience. I have never owned a Mac myself (besides being very expensive, I'm not really the target audience, I like the customisability of Linux, while still being able to run software in my Windows VM with GPU passthrough), but I figured it's good to have all three OSs available to me in case I specifically need any of them for whatever reason, and I would like to be familiar with MacOS anyway.

So, I have essentially zero experience with MacOS, but I have a lot of experience wth Linux, with both of them being unix-like I'm thinking a lot of my knowledge will hopefully transfer over to Mac, partcularly command-line wise.

submitted by /u/Sol33t303
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