Fix Config.plist

if any one knows how to fix another error that happens to me with the config.plist

Install Oralila "anchored message" as you know it comes with 2 default config: config.plist (Desktop) config.plist2 (Portable)

Well I have a laptop (I chose config2) and I boot well (no graphics, etc ..)

Then I copied the config2 and started patching it (now it works perfectly)

The problem is now: In my EFI folder I have 3 config.plist -Config (Desktop) -Config2 (Laptops) -Config3 (This is the config2, but patched for my laptop) Before starting always touch me in Clover / Options / choose the config3 (To load my patched config

Eh Deleted config and config2, so that only my config3 remains patched and boot choosing (the only config you have) but directly I do not load the boot * I managed to boot the boot (with only My config3 patched) but I get Kernel Panic "https: applepanic"

submitted by /u/iSn0wCrypt0
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