Hi r/hackintosh, My hack is under macOS Mojave 10.14.4, pretty stable now, even more since I got my DSDT patched. Even though, I am still facing an issue : sometimes, somehow, my hack won't sleep, screen goes black, I can here the fans speeding up and then, it turns off. But sometimes (most of the time, actually), everything goes pretty well, it sleeps like a charm... After speeding quite a long time on the internet I discovered the command line :
and it gave me a lot of lines. For example, today I needed my mac to sleep around 12:41, when I came back at 14:21 it was turned off (also, I noticed that it does not turn off like when you click on "turn off", if I press a key, the keyboard light turns on, it usually do nothing when I turn it off with the normal way). There are the line around 12:41 Later on, at 17:17, I did the same, but everything went good. I tried quitting Google Chrome and it seemed to solve the problem, but maybe it had nothing to do ? If anybody knows where the problem is (and understand those lines), I would love to fix it, thanks :) [link] [comments] |
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