I'm using ApplePS2SmartTouchpad on Mojave with my laptop. It can clearly detect gestures, but it handles them oddly.
Three fingers **down** shows MC, and four fingers right shows/hides the dock. Those are the only actions that trigger any system response. No matter what I change them to in settings, it always has the same actions with these gestures. The rest of the gestures (up,down,left,right x 3,4 fingers) all insert random characters as if I were typing them.
They are the same characters with every gesture, every time, so it is clearly detecting my multi touch.
Any ideas? Maybe a different kext? I've tried VoodooPS2 but SmartTouchpad gives me better functionality (this).
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: The first page of trackpad settings DOES work, enabling/disabling tap to click, etc and changing tracking speed.
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