Installer Hanging Due to USB Overcurrent

Hey all,

I have a Dell Latitude E6440 which I’m trying to install Mojave on using the vanilla method.

I had to replace the motherboard a couple of months ago and I got duped into a motherboard which has a damaged USB port, disabling three of the four ports.

Under Linux and Windows, it warns me but I’m able to get by with it. However, the boot up process hangs under the macOS Installer.

I have Lilu, AppleHDA, WhateverGreen, AppleIntel1000E, USBInjectAll, VoodooPS2, and VirtualSMC. (I was doing this from memory so excuse me if I butchered the names). I suspect USBInjectAll is the issue.

From my knowledge of the motherboard, the fourth USB is on the power connector board, which plugs into the motherboard, so it’s a separate hub. Is there a way to only inject that USB port?

Or, if my logic is flawed, how can I boot into the installer?

I should note that about one minute in the circle with slash icon appeared, as the verbose boot continued to be halted by the USB overcurrent messages.

submitted by /u/MGFusion
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