9900K slow performance?

Hello everyone!

So, I’ve built my first ever computer (yay) and Hackintoshed it. Everything went smoothly. BUT, I’ve noticed that the system is little bit unresponsive. Opening programs is slow and sometimes right clicking is enough for the system to hang for a couple seconds.

I DO know that some of that performance drop is due to using a HardDrive disk, but I don’t know if that explains the overall sluggishness of the system.

Do you guys have any suggestions? Will a SSD upgrade fix this issues? I was super anxious about macOS on it, so I took the first HD I found and I staled it. Also, I am planning on buying a EVO 970. But if there is any configuration that should help me, I am all ears.

Here is my config: 9900K Gigabyte Z390 AORUS Ultra 16GB RAM @ 3000MHz HDD 1TB @ 5200 rpm (yes, really slow. But intend to replace it) UHD 630 (probably will get a VEGA 64 ou RX 580) but the acceleration is working 100% Mac mini,8.1

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/gustavodiel
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