Vega 64 Airboost - Lots of issues

I swapped my GTX960 for a RX580 in my Hackintosh before the Holidays which worked great. Since AMD GPU prices were dropping pretty fast, I picked up a Vega 64 Airboost off eBay hoping I could just swap the RX580 for the Vega 64 and off I go. Obviously didn't go to plan :)

  • System refuses to boot with more than one monitor attached - I have 3 4K@60 displays (DP) and a 4k TV (HDMI) connected to the RX580. Assuming this is a board or GPU BIOS issue since it doesn't even display the BIOS screen. With WEG installed I can manually connect the monitors after i'm in macOS and it works. I'm using a Gigabyte GA-Z170N-WIFI board if that matters.
  • The GPU Fan Speed kext doesn't work - Either it does nothing at all, or if the fan speed runs low the box crashes after 5-10mins.

So I'm pretty much ready to give up with the Airboost card (I put the RX580 back in the system after about a week of messing with it). Is there a better Vega 64 card that people have had better Success with when using multiple DP displays? I've got a SFF case, so I'm pretty much limited to a two slot card with a blower config.


Author: @dcoulson