USB Port Mapping, I need some help!

I followed this video, from Carl Mercier, which walks through Corpnewt's USB mapping script. After watching it a couple of times, I attempted it myself. I thought I had done it right but it turns out I hadn't as 2 of the 6 USB 3.0 ports on my rear I/O are now disabled. What's weird is that when I ran the script a second time and used the discover ports function, I saw what I now believe are the two non-responsive ports; SS03 and SS04. When I did the initial discovery, they came up as HS03 and HS04. I'm not really sure where I went wrong. I made sure not to exclude them when I got to the step of building the USBMap.kext... is there any way that I could go back and include them or do I need to reinstall USBInjectAll.kext and start back at the beginning and re-map? One other thing, I also excluded the USR1 and USR2 ports. Not entirely sure what those are but they never came up when I was mapping the HS external ports during my first go-round. I'm guessing they're internal ports on the MoBo? Thanks for any help you can provide!

submitted by /u/gingus418
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