Slow boot/reboot fix

I would like to find out the reason why my hack takes way more than usual to start up and reboot/turn off.

In High Sierra it would take like 6 seconds to reach the desktop (From Clover) and not more than 10 seconds to reboot/turn off.

Now it takes like 30 seconds to reach the Desktop and more than a minute to reboot/turn off.

I checked the Console to see if I can spot anything but couldn't find anything.

I'm running Mojave 10.14.3, latest Clover and kexts (WhateverGreen, Lilu, FakeSMC, etc...)

System Specs:


i5 7500

Intel HD Graphics 630

Samsung EVO 850 256Gb

Crucial 16Gb DDR4

Any help would be greatly appreciated :)

submitted by /u/Manuelntf
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