macOS Sierra Installer: Stuck on OsxAptioFixDRv: Starting overrides for [ETC]

Hey guys, I've never been able to get a successful hackintosh working, so every once and awhile I try to get this working. I installed High Sierra in a VM and downloaded Sierra from the App Store, and have been following 9to5mac's tutorial:

Anyway, I did all the steps correctly, I'm booting into Clover, but for some reason, I get stuck on these specific lines:

OsxAptioFixDrv: Starting overrides for .IABootFiles\boot.efi Using reloc block: yes, hibernate wake: no

And then my computer just reboots. I've tried injecting without kexts, enabling safe mode, to no avail. And the weird thing is, it does the same thing when creating the USB with Unibeast. Now that I've listed all the issues and details, here are my specs:

Intel Core i5-7500 Nvidia GTX 1080 8GB RAM MSI B250M PRO - VDH Motherboard 1TB HDD 80GB SSD 512GB HDD

submitted by /u/Usernames_AreGay
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