How do I refresh kexts?

tl;dr: How do I "use the macOS installer to refresh all my kexts"?

Asus Prime Z390-A mobo, i7-8700k processor, old Gigabyte Radeon HD 6xxx GPU.

Moved my Sierra install over from my last build, on which the mobo failed this week. Hoping to install OS X on my Samsung 970 Evo Plus 500gb NVMe M.2 SSD. Disk Utility doesn't recognize it. Find the HackrNVME script. Run it. "WARNING: Vanilla MD5 (d0510757092e40486023df672d2b16b8) does not match expected MD5 (c506f1fc40026c0262a736f0be318223) ERROR: Vanilla MD5 does not match and --override not specified. No kext generated!" The developer, RehabMan, says, "Use the macOS installer to refresh all your kexts."

My question: How do I do that?

Thanks, MB

submitted by /u/taomonkey
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