Fan attached to motherboard spins very slowly and eventually stops

Hey guys -

So I have a NZXT s340 elite case and just bought and installed two Noctua case fans (both PWM - 1x120mm, 1x140mm)

The 120mm exhaust fan works correctly in Windows so I know this is a macOS issue. As soon as I boot into macOS (past the clover boot menu) the fan gets very slow. Don't know the exact RPM since this fan doesnt show up in HWMonitor (The 140mm does) but its definitely a lot slower than the BIOS settings. Sometimes the fan just stops completely as well.

Both fans are connected to the 4 pin fan connections on the motherboard.

I have the mobo fans as well as the case fans all set up in PWM mode in the BIOS since they are PWM fans. Haven't tried changing them to DC since I think macOS wont pick them up.

My Kexts/plugins:

I've removed FakeSMC_ACPISensors and FakeSMC_SMMSensors just to play around with it and still get the same result.

My Motherboard:

I'm running the latest Mojave 10.14.3

Wondering if anyone has come across this issue and fixed it. If I remove LPCSensors, all the fans appear to run according to the BIOS settings but I can't be positive since removing this kext gets rid of any fan monitoring capability.

Thanks for reading and helping in advance

submitted by /u/theofficialLlama
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