The Fusion Drive May be Dead (for now), because Mojave and APFS.

A while ago I made this post about fusion drives. At the time, I was still on Sierra, having skipped over High Sierra entirely. Apparently fusion drives are possible on High Sierra, although with a bit of install trickery.

However, on Mojave, it seems to be impossible, because of the current state of Clover. I tried upgrading the machine in question to Mojave directly from Sierra. The install process went smoothly, throwing no unexpected errors anywhere in the process. It nicely converted the drive to APFS, generating a single synthesised volume spawning from both of the volumes. However, when rebooting to finish the installation, Clover showed a lot of errors related to unexpected blocks, and then came up blank, showing no boot options for any macOS install.

My hypothesis is that APFS.efi is simply not capable of reading these "Fusion" volumes, causing all of the errors, and clover coming up blank. I already verified the following:

  • The APFS partition was valid (verified from an install drive)
  • Clover was still functional, being able to boot a valid mojave install on a regular drive.

Doing some research I found that APFS.efi comes from macOS itself, making this issue even stranger. It is possible that the version we all know and blindly use comes from High Sierra, as the Fusion Drives were only converted to APFS in Mojave. However, it is hard for me to test this hypothesis, as the system in question has some importance, and recovering from this requires completely reinstalling and restoring from backup.

submitted by /u/notinecrafter
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