Intel i5 9600K - High Sierra - UDH 630, no acceleration


I have recently (about a week ago) finished my build and installed macOS (10.13.1) but cant get the Intel UHD 630 graphics to work. Acceleration is not active and "About" only shows "Intel 500 7mb". Im connected to my Z390 MB via HDMI and pretty much everything else seem to be working (short of audio a well, I think). I'm currently running my clover bootloader as the "clover_test.plist" is setup in my EFI folder. All kexts in kexts/Other are also in my L/E/ folder. Am I not injecting these properly cus it seems to make no difference whether I keep them in or remove them, apart from the Ethernet one.

I've tried several different ig-platform-ids and SMBIOS configurations along with an array of kexts but can't seem to get it working. I'm only able to boot off the default one, 0x3E92000 and 0x3E92003 (after a few tries), the other ones I've tried only leaves me with the prohibited sign. I have yet to try them all but am feeling quite overwhelmed and would like to know if I'm even going in the right direction and if anyone has gotten the 9600K to work under High Sierra? Most of everything I find seems to be related to Mojave...

Had the highest hopes for the one post I found relating to a almost identical setup of my one but having copied those settings as well as trying out the full EFI folder provided, I had no success. I'm sure it needs to be modified for HS but I'm not sure how..

Would appreciate any advise on this, thanks.

submitted by /u/pleekman
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