Hackintosh will enter a restart loop about halfway through install

Hackintosh will enter a restart loop about halfway through install

Hey y'all...hopefully someone can help me and thanks in advance. So currently, here's my build.

Gigabyte Z370xp Sli

Intel 8700k

Gigabyte gtx 970

evga 850 BQ

Corsair Vengence LPX 16gb ram (2x8gb sticks)

I'm trying to get High Sierra on there and I'm following this video:


But about halfway through my progress bar, it starts doing this restart loop. I booted in -v and this is what i get right before it restarts...any and ALL help is appreciated!

Hangs at \"hfs: mounted untitled on device disk20\" for awhile then burns through the rest real fast and restarts


submitted by /u/konigmusic
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