Try to track IOHDACodecRevisionID, using PropertyInjector.kext

Hi there

I use the kext PropertyInjector to change my IOHDACodecRevisionID, which is wrong, so AppleALC does not recognise it.

This kext simply changes properties!

But therefore I need to track the related service / device / entry and I fail to do so.

What is the correct IOProviderClass? IOPropertyMatch or IOPrimaryMatch?

I think IOProviderClass would be: AppleHDAController..

But the IOHDACodecRevisionID actually is within IOHDACodecDevice?

And as far as I understand is that you HAVE to name a matching criteria.

I know there is also a way to change the DSDT, but I dont want to go this way.

Would appreciate any help..

submitted by /u/frankferrari2000
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