Possible to get FileVault boot drive encryption working on old MSI P67A-C45 motherboard (Intel P67 chipset)?

Hello, I'm currently trying MacOS for the first time in a long while, and for the first time ever on non-Apple hardware. I had literally zero experience hackintoshing before I started on this yesterday. I downloaded Unibeast 8.3.2 and used it to create an installer for 10.13.6 and I was surprised when my USB keyboard worked in the installer but didn't work after the 1st reboot. After searching for information for a while it seems that this happened because I chose to install MacOS to an encrypted partition and FileVault uses some special way to interface with keyboards.

I read that AptioFix drivers could possibly be used to solve this problem, but the install media UniBeast created already had a file named OsxAptioFix2Drv-64.efi in the boot partition under /EFI/CLOVER/drivers64UEFI and the debug log says "0:877 0:028 Loading OsxAptioFix2Drv-64.efi status=Success" so I guess the driver didn't help in my case?

I also read about another driver called UsbKbDxe so I downloaded UsbKbDxe-64.efi and added that to the EFI drivers directory but that didn't help either (I also tried removing the AptioFix driver after which MacOS simply didn't boot at all anymore).

Any way to get booting from an encrypted drive working on this hardware or do I just have to forget about it?

Other things I tried:

  • unplug all other USB devices than the keyboard
  • disable legacy USB support from UEFI settings
  • disable the additional NEC USB3 controller from UEFI settings (use integrated Intel USB2 only)
  • connect keyboard to another USB port (tried all of them, except what's only available via pin header, I never bothered to connect the case's front panel USB ports because due to where I keep the case it's not very practical to use them)
  • use another keyboard (old Logitech UltraX flat)

and none of them helped..

Not a big problem I have to live without full system drive encryption, I wasn't planning on using this as my main OS anyway (and this isn't even a laptop), would have been nice to see it in action though.

Mouse is working in the enter password screen, so USB isn't completely dead at that point. I can also press ctrl+alt+del on the keyboard to reboot but other than that it doesn't work.

submitted by /u/-GrapeJuice-
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