Bricked Hackintosh - Can't boot anything - Gigabyte Z370N - i3-8350K


I've been running Mojave on a Z370N-wifi and i3-8350k for a few weeks. Everything was working smoothly (internal graphics, audio, ethernet, sleep/wake) until I swapped out the wireless chip to try and get bluetooth working. I also changed the case at the same time. It was still booting as normal as I played around with different kexts to get bluetooth working, until it wasn't.

Now I can't get the machine to start at all; I can't use my "install Mojave" USB drive either. Nothing boots. Depending on the config.plist, it either hangs or kernel panics. I've tried my various old, working backup configs to no avail. Did I somehow brick some of the hardware? I can boot a Ubuntu USB stick, but nothing from clover. What do I have to do to get this machine running again? I'm trying to do a fresh install and start over, but can't even get the install USB to boot.

Any suggestions or help? This is so frustrating right now that it suddenly stopped working at all, even from backups or old configs.

submitted by /u/7shamrocks
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