Unable to reach installer for MacOS Sierra

Hi all,

I’ve been trying to do a dual boot set up for my desktop which has windows 10 running on it already. Followed https://www.tonymacx86.com/threads/unibeast-install-macos-sierra-on-any-supported-intel-based-pc.200564/#install for the installation instructions and it goes fine until after the 4th part of step 4 where I’m supposed to arrive at the installer.

What happens instead is that I reach a black screen with an Apple logo (no loading bar) and it just freezes there even after 30mins.

Any ideas on how to remedy this would be awesome. :)

P.S in case my computer parts are needed: * Intel Core i5-7500 * MSI B250M Bazooka * Corsair 8GB 2400MHz DDR4 Memory * 1TB HDD 7200RPM (running windows 10) * 480GB Crucial BX500 SSD (trying to set up Sierra here) * Nvidia GeForce GTX1070 8GB OC * FSP 550w 80+ PowerSupply * Wireless Dual Band USB Wifi Dongle network adapter

submitted by /u/hoeadear
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