Motherboard Needing Replacement? > No video output.

Hackintosh has been running strong for over a year. Last night I rebooted into Windows, then back to Mac. I had re-connect two monitors to my GPU which came loose. After re-installing the GPU (which I've done multiple times) I noticed the large glowing yellow light on the back of the motherboard was no longer glowing.

The computer power on, fans are quite loud, GPU is getting power with plugged directly into the PSU and running off of only MOBO power. That said, there is no video output from the GPU. There is also no output from the onboard MOBO hdmi, as per the message "no signal to hdmi" every time I connect the monitor.

Is there anything I can try to definitively weed out the issue? The only thing I going off so far is the motherboard is unlit and not making any noise (unplugged the ram to see if it would beep upon reset, which it didn't).

Current Specs:

CPU - Intel i5 6600k


MOBO - Gigabyte Z170XP-SLI

RAM - Ballistix Sport 16gb


Wifi - TP-Link AC1900

SSD -2x 120gb

CPU cooler - Cooler Master Hyper 212

submitted by /u/tartrate10
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