Logic Pro X Mojave issues

Logic Pro X <a class='btn-link text-<span class='badge badge-success'>Success</span>' href='/2020/12/install-macos-mojave-on-supported-pc.html'>Mojave</a> issues

Hey All,

I have just Success fully Hackintosh/ed Success' href='/2020/12/install-macos-mojave-on-supported-pc.html'>Mojave using the vanilla install. I build this computer for Logic Pro X and have already ran into some issues. An image is attached below...

When I create a "NEW" project logic does not allow me to choose from some of their options. I don't know how to fix this issue. I just reinstalled Logic and and restoring the sample library to see if that may do the trick, but I honestly don't know. If there is anyone out there who can help me, that would be wonderful :)



Rey M

Author: @reym34