Fixing your USB issues – the easy way

Don't be lazy, this is way easier than I thought!

As you may – or may not – know, creating an SSDT isn't the only option as far as fixing USB is concerned. I've recently read about FBPatcher and USBPorts.kext, and it helped me fix my sleep issues as well as getting rid of the never-ending "USB port limit patch" updates each time macOS is updated – forever.

A complete guide is available here:

You can read the "USB Port patching" section only.

You'll only need a working USB limit patch, the latest version of USBInjectAll.kext by Rehabman (that is 0.7.1 as of today), and at least one USB2 device and one USB3 device (USB patching is easier if those devices have a specific USB name, like an iPhone instead of a generic USB storage device but any device will work).

No more "oh no, we need a new USB patch", no more sleep issues, I definitely needed some time to understand the process, but then it only took 15 minutes to do the actual fixing.

I'm willing to help you understand (to the extent of my – really not so great – knowledge) what is required to get your USB ports working correctly.

Of course, none of this is my own work, I'm just the messenger here; credit goes to vit9696 ( , DalianSky (, and Rehabman.

submitted by /u/UnciaPrima
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