Weird CPU/MB problems (8700K + Asus Prime Z370-A)

Hi everyone,

I've been having stability issues on High Sierra (10.13.4), with a 8700K + Asus Prime Z370-A.

The main problem (which took a long time to pin down) seems to be with the CPU Voltage. If it's not manually set (through BIOS) at a fixed value, then the system will reboot as soon as, or shortly after, the OS loads. The BIOS CPU voltage modes "auto", "offset" and "adaptive", all have the same behavior. Loading the BIOS optimized defaults, doesn't work either, since that sets the CPU voltage to "auto".

I tried the following, among others, to no avail:

  • Install the latest clover version (v2.4k_r4450).
  • Create an SSDT for the CPU. It didn't help much, apart from enabling a lower minimum multiplier at idle (10x instead of 13x with "pluginType = true").
  • Trying many different SMBIOS profiles.

Also, with RehabMan's latest FakeSMC (along with the sensor kexts), the reported CPU/RAM voltages by HWMonitor, seem to be incorrect, even after having set a fixed voltage. Additionally, loading "FakeSMC_LPCSensors.kext" causes one of the case fans to stop spinning.

I have all the recommended BIOS settings, as well as the latest BIOS version (0615), but since I've seen other successful builds with my hardware here, I assume that there must be something that I'm missing.

So yeah, I'm pretty much lost in the woods, on a moonless foggy night here.

Any tips, ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

submitted by /u/Sofron1s
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