Stuck at "+" lines after a successful install of Sierra

It's my first time doing a Hackintosh and I have no clue of what I have to do. I have managed to install MacOS Sierra in my PC successfully, and get it working for 1 time after install. So I have installed Clover boot loader and other basic kexts like FakeSMC and NullCPU, but now Clover don't boot my install of Sierra. It is stucked in Clover boot loader after a row of "+" . What can I do?

Details of my PC:

ASUS J1800i-C Motherboard Celeron J1800 Dual Core Processor 8 GB of RAM Intel HD Graphics (BayTrail-D ValleyViewGen7) w/ 512MB of VRAM

submitted by /u/yufelipeto
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