Possible to create an install disk from unbootable Hackintosh?

Long story short: I upgraded my CPU+motherboard from a i5-3470/Gigabyte-shitplate to an i7-7700k/MSI-z170-gaming-whatever.

Unsurprisingly, that killed my previous fully functional Hackintosh .

Now, I'm trying to build a new Hackintosh on another PC, but don't have a Mac atm to download an install disk from the Appstore.

So does anyone know if it's possible for me to create a macOS install disk/dmg or whatever from this ssd?

I can get to clover, but it just shuts down when I try to boot. With verbose mode, I get an error saying "this version of Mac OS X isn't compatible", but I can get around that by changing the board ID under the SMBios submenu. But past that point all I get is the message "root uuid is: blahblahblah123 ++++++++++++++++++++" and it shuts down.

also, I totally wouldn't mind if someone could hook me up with a link where I can download an install disk as an alternative winkwink

Author: @humanmanguy