CUDA is enabled in Premiere, but OpenCL is twice as fast.

I have just installed 10.13.3 following Rampagedev's guide with the appropriate kext updates (lilu nvidiagraphicsfix) I have audio of HDMI and the latest Geforce and CUDA drivers. Premiere pro gives me the option between OpenCL, Metal, CUDA and Software.

A small 1 minute 4K project with just some 2 layers and some heavy gaussian blur (GPU ACC effect) takes:

CUDA: 11:27 minutes OpenCL: 6.50 minutes Software: (running now for 6 min @ 17%)

Do I have a problem and how do I check if CUDA is running properly?

Also After Effects does not give me an option for CUDA . Only OpenCL, Metal and Software

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I will quickly post any info (ioreg or stuff like that) if I am not asleep : )


submitted by /u/gadgetboyDK
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