Can't install security update on HS. Any help?
After long time of being stuck:

My specs:
rx480 4gB
msi b150m provdh mobo

Everything was working almost fine from Sierra to High Sierra updates, I had only problem with converting my disk to APFS but format helped me.

I tried cleaning update cache, app store cache and cleaning nvram because I was forcing shutdown on being stuck and redownloaded update like seven times lol.

I use vanilla Clover, have updated kexts and so. Maybe my config is fault? But I don't know why since it was working to this time. Before the kextd stall 240s error I had crash log (when I tried to update, but I don't saved it to file) at working GUI/windows server at the end (white background on like-recovery screen).

submitted by /u/HoshiYamazaki
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