Lost Z170 chipset USB3 functionality on front USB ports after upgrading to 10.3.4

As of 10.13.3 all my USB ports were working at full usb 3.0 speeds. After upgrading to 10.13.4, my front USB ports refuse to work with USB3-only devices. USB 2.0 devices continue to work on the front ports fine.

Clover shows bootable USB3 devices on the front ports during the boot screen as well.

I suspect something will need to change with the Kext patch but I'm not sure what.


  • Motherboard: Gigabyte z170 Ultra Gaming
  • Clover: 4411
  • Kexts: RehabMan-USBInjectAll-2018-0102
  • Kext Patches:
    • Change 15 Port Limit to 24 in XHCI kext 10.13 PB1: AppleUSBXHCIPCI 837D8C10 -> 837D8C1B
submitted by /u/supermauerbros
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