have already tried following guides like the Vanilla Install guide (https://www.reddit.c..._brief_vanilla/) stickied to the sidebar, as well as looked for help throughout their discord server, but have come across so many errors and not enough help. My specs are as follows:
PC: Lenovo H430
RAM: 6.00GB Dual-Channel DDR3
Graphics: GM-MATRIX-C, 1023MB NVIDIA Geforce GT 610
CPU: Intel Core i3 2130 (Sandy Bridge)
Motherboard: Lenovo Mahobay (Socket 0)
Storage Devices: 465GB Toshiba MK5055GSX (SATA) and 931GB Seagate ST1000DM003-9YN162 (SATA)
Audio: High Definition Audio Device, NVIDIA High Definition Audio
I have run into many issues getting help with and setting up the GT 610, as some say they can get it working, but many post/guides I have looked to are very confusing on how they did so. I'm doing this all in a High Sierra VM on Windows so it takes longer than usual sometimes, so please be patient.
I already have my USB with High Sierra ready (made with the "createinstallmedia" command). Any help would be appreciated thanks for your time.
To be more specific, if you would like to know what issues I ran into while following the guide I linked above; I followed just about everything (Disabling all checkboxes in both sections of ACPI in the config.plist Clover provides, using these kexts (https://imgur.com/a/Q31jS), as well as setting up Clover the way the guide tells me for the USB, and still getting no Success . Any help would be very much appreciated. Thank you.

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