NVIDIA Graphics Driver Update Broke My OS. How do I replace or extract it?

About 3/4ths the way through a verbose boot, my cpu halts and computer turns itself off. I can't quite see where it does this exactly it does this (what line it is). It only did this after a graphics driver update.

I have a Z800 with a Quadro 4000. I have it set up for a dual boot with Windows 8.1. I also have the Paragon HFS driver so that I can view the mac OS hard drive. Both OSs are on separate SSDs.

I know that the OS has a native driver that works fine for my graphics card. I only tried to update it because the current one said it needed to. I want to go in and remove it and see if that works. I tried disabling it with nv_disable=1 and nothing doing.

I don't have CCC set up with a spare drive so I just to know what I can do.

I also tried booting with a clover USB and it still does either the CPU halt thing, or it I get the stop/halt sign.

Thanks for your help!

submitted by /u/doc_brietz
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