Need help patching DSDT/SSDT.

Hello. I posted a help request a few days ago, but the gentleman/lady who was helping me out suddenly dropped contact, so here I am again; I hope I'm not spamming.

Pretty much the title. I've almost got my hackintosh all figured out, except for a few things. If I get these down, then this machine will satisfy all my computing needs. I'm a proud owner of a Dell Inspiron 15 5567. This is my set of DSDT/SSDTs that have been disassembled and are untouched. This is another set of DDST/SSDTs, that have been somewhat patched. I'm getting a compile error for the DDST and SSDT-4. I'd very much appreciate if someone could just take a look at my work and tell me where I went wrong, or fix it for me. I have included the untouched DDSTs for anyone who wants a blank canvas to work on. I have a Skylake i3 system with 4 Gigs of RAM. You can pull up the specs from the internet, or drop me a line. Thanks :)

submitted by /u/RealMatchesMalonee
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