My hackintosh only boots approximately 1 out of every 6 times

I've posted this problem before but haven't found a solution so I'll post it again.

My hackintosh only boots approximately 1 out of every 6 times. The other 5 times it finishes booting but boots to a black screen. Once it finally boots up on the 6th or so try it works perfectly.

  • I've got a Gigabyte GA-Z77X-UD5H ATX LGA1155 Motherboard
  • I'm on sierra 10.12.6
  • I've got a GTX 1060 graphics card which is fairly new. I think when I installed it is when the problems started but my system WAS working for a while with the card. Also a 660ti. I need them both because I do GPU rendering and need all the speed and power I can get.
  • I have the newest versions of Lilu.kext and NvidiaGraphicsFixUp.kext
  • I'm using the Imac 14.2 system definition
  • I'm using the NVIDIA Web Drivers (vs the OS X Default Graphics Driver)

Current boot flags: -v dart=0

Things I’ve tried based on suggestions:

  • Changing the Mac system profile a Mac Pro system profile (don’t remember which one but it hung before it even booted, didn’t think it made sense to try all the other Mac Pro profiles)
  • Added boot argument -xcpm (no change)
  • Added parameter: FakeCPUID = 0x0306A0 (hangs on boot)
  • Made sure I had the latest versions of NvidiaGraphicsFixup and Lilu kexts in the Clover Folder (I do)
  • Booted in verbose mode. Booted with verbose mode off. (No change)

So I don't really know where to go from here. I've had this working fine for years but ever since I installed the new graphics card it has been hard to get it to be reliable. Any ideas or suggestions? Thanks!

submitted by /u/film_guy01
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