Installing High Sierra on a Second SSD Alongside a Working El Cap SSD - Any Issues I Should Look Out For?

I've got a fine-tuned El Capitan Hackintosh which I have been more than happy with. However with more and more software updates going Sierra-only I realised it was time to update the OS. Like many Hackintosh users I'm very wary of updates and the problems they cause. So what I decided to do was buy another SSD and do a fresh install of High Sierra on that so that I've always got my working El Cap install if it goes to shit. I've already bought and installed the drive and it's ready to go.

The question is - will installing High Sierra on the new SSD cause problems for the El Cap drive? I was thinking mainly in terms of EFI issues. Anything I should look out for during the install?

submitted by /u/repomonkey
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