First time Hackintosh - Any help would be appreciated! Or pointing in the right direction.

I am not computer hardware savvy and it’s a little overwhelming, but my friend said he would put my hackintosh together if I got the parts. I just want to make sure that the parts I am getting will be compatible with MacOS.

Sorry if this has been posted a million times!

Intel Core i7-8700k ASRock Z370 Extreme4 LGA 1151 (300 Series) Intel MB Can anyone recommend some compatible DDR4 ram?

For my uses and desires talking to my friend: I am emphasizing a fast CPU, fast memory, and SSD. And on board GPU as I’m not a gamer and don’t do a lot of graphic intensive stuff for now.

And if there’s anything else I need to keep in mind for compatibility reason I’d appreciate any advice.

Thank you!

submitted by /u/changes727
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